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Alternative Housing Lagos Nigeria - Free Alternative Homes Guide
Alternative housing is available everywhere. And you can find what suits you most with a little bit of creativity.
Alternative Homes - The Options
The Alternative Accommodation Options - A Second LookLet's take a closer look at the alternative homes options listed above. The list of alternative housing above can be broken into three categories: 1. Uncompleted buildings 2. Undeveloped bare land 3. Completed building that has become an abandoned property and 4. Apartment sharing Categories 1 & 2 involves taking advantage of the many undeveloped and uncompleted plots of land and buildings around the suburbs of Lagos Nigeria. The good news is this . . . there are many uncompleted buildings and undeveloped plots even in well-established neighbourhoods like Magodo, New Oko Oba, Ogba, Egbeda, Ipaja etc Wherever you look, if you're looking for an uninhabited building that is almost completed, you will find a place to hang out for awhile. Wait. Why would anyone want to hang out or live in an uncompleted building? Simple answer . . . lack of money. You may not understand this if you have never been flat broke. There is nothing as disastrous as being without cash! So, if you're broke and there's nowhere else to go for shelter, uncompleted buildings become suitable alternative homes. Another good alternative housing option is completed buildings that have been abandoned for one reason or another. Completed buildings may sometimes be abandoned because . . . . . . or for other reasons known only to the owner. Whatever the reason the property owner has decided to abandon his building bought or built with his hard-earned money, it pays the guy who is homeless and who desperately needs a place to live. Here's one challenge though. Abandoned buildings that are completed tend to be locked. So, unless you decide to break in (want that on your conscience?), you may not be able to enter and use the building as temporary accommodation. Another thing to remember is this: Property owners get really mad when they visit their property and find that some stranger has taken it over. My advice? Do you best to locate the owner of an abandoned property and offer to take good care of the property in exchange for an opportunity to live in the BQ or even the gate house. Most home owners are likely to be favourably disposed toward having someone take care of their property without charge. If your request is granted, you may just discover that you're no longer a homeless person anymore. Starting from this lowly state, and by making yourself a good member of the community, you can grow your income generating potential to such a point when you will not need the alternative housing sooner than later. Apartment sharing is a great alternative homes strategy when you know someone who is open to sharing his apartment with others. When you find such people and they agree to share their apartments with you for free or for a share of the rent, respect them. It's so easy to take friends and relatives for granted. But make sure you don't bite the hands that fed you. Otherwise, you may be out on the streets again . . . homeless. Related Content: Apartment Guide ::: Apartments For Rent Buying A House ::: How To Build A House How To Sell Your House ::: Bank Owned Properties Investing For Income ::: Investing For Retirement Manufactured Homes ::: Guide To Online Investing Investing For Dummies ::: Google Adsense Income
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