Building design guide Lagos Nigeria - If you take a moment to look around you, you will see house designs of all sorts. Some are exotic, some others neither here nor there, while some are just plain ridiculous.
So, what sort of building design do you want?
What sort of home designs appeal to you?
The exotic? Or the ridiculous?
Obviously, you want home designs that can be truly classified as exotic house designs.Here's something to remember.Exotic home designs does not necessarily mean 'expensive designs'.
Yes, a building can have an exotic design while keeping costs low.
Focus on a building design that is both exotic and cost effective.
Let's explore some features of house designs that you can manipulate to get a lovely, yet cost effective, home.
What are the features of a home that make it aesthetically appealing?
There are essentially two sides to home designs . . . the exterior and the interior design and finish.
Aspects of exterior house designs that create immediate magnetism or attraction include . . .
Interior building design that create a sense of exoticism include . . .
Think through the features of a home listed above and mentally review the look and feel of the different house designs you have seen in the past.
Most likely, you're inside a house or an office as you read this. Take a moment to look around the building where you are right now.
What features of buildings listed above apply to the building where you are right now?
How does the design of these features in the particular building where you are right now contribute to its beauty?
If you were to design your own home based on what you see right now . . . the design and finish of the building you're analysing . . . what would you do differently?
Every sane person want to live in a beautifully finished home. Therefore, when building your own house there may be a tendency to want to go overboard in the building design just to get that exotic feel.
However, remember that every new feature you add to your house designs, increase the cost of executing the building design.
So, while it's great to have exotic home designs, it is also important to keep the cost of building the house in mind because, as economists say, "human wants are many but the resources to meet them are limited".
The free house plans section, bungalow house plans section, and the luxury house plans section show various home designs you can implement when building your own home. And each of these house designs have associated costs.
For example, you can have . . .
. . . and so on.
Each of the design decisions above have cost implications. And when making those decisions it's good to be aware of the exact impact on your building costs otherwise you may run out of cash in the middle of your building construction.
My advice?
Compare prices for each alternative and the total overall cost before choosing what building design to adopt.
Remember . . . exotic house design is the dream. The reality is the size of your pocket.
Therefore, match the desire for aesthetic home designs with your budget before going ahead to execute any design.
Just do what's right in your particular situation.
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