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Cheap Housing Lagos Nigeria - Free Affordable Housing Tips. Cheap Property.
Some of these potential property buyers will tell you they are not necessarily looking for cheap property. They will tell you they want to buy affordable housing or low cost housing.
A good number of people who are interested in renting apartments in Lagos Nigeria also want cheap apartments. Is there anything wrong with wanting to rent a cheap apartment or cheap housing? Is there anything wrong with desiring to buy Nigeria real estate cheap? The answer to that question is NO. The reason is obvious.
What category of apartment will be considered cheap housing or affordable housing by the teacher? In the same vein, what category of apartment or property will be considered cheap property or affordable housing for the friend who works in a multinational company? Obviously, what is considered cheap property or affordable accommodation is dependent on the income level of the person who is making the statement. However, for the purpose of this discussion, cheap property is property that is below 100,000 Naira per annum for apartments for rent and 4 million Naira for buildings for sale. Here's my advice to you. Don't be shy or ashamed to acknowledge your income level. If your income level is low, then don't attempt to buy property that is far above what you can afford. Why? The simple reason is that you may never buy the property. You will save and save and save. And yet, you may never have enough to complete the amount required to make the purchase of that dream property of yours. On the other hand, if you go for properties that fall within your income bracket or slightly above it, you can buy a property sooner than later. And after your first successful purchase, you will have the confidence to do it again and again. Before you realize it, you're a big time home owner in Lagos Nigeria. The secret? Live within your income. Actually, live some 'miles' below your income. And buy affordable housing or rent cheap housing, if you must. Your humility and patience will pay off eventually. Click HERE to contact us. Apartments For Rent Low Income Apartments For Rent Income Based Apartments Property For Sale Beginners Guide To Investing Apartment Guide BACK TO TOP OF PAGE Back To Home Page From Cheap Housing Lagos Nigeria Subscribe To The Real Estate Guide newsletter for Investment Tips