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Home Fire Insurance Lagos Nigeria - Free Home Fire Insurance Tips And Quote
If you have ever been witness to a serious fire outbreak, you will understand why fire is no man's friend.
The hard reality is . . . most home owners whose homes are completely burnt down by fire never quite recover from the loss nor the pain and agony.
With that cash in hand, you can restore your house to what it was before the fire incident or build a new one altogether if the house is damaged beyond redemption. In simple words . . . insuring your home against fire hazard gives you peace of mind. Let me be frank with you here. Disasters strike whether we like it or not. Sometimes these home disasters are caused by human imperfections (e.g. your child puts on the gas cooker and fails to put it off before leaving the house) or by events beyond our control (e.g. the power company supplies too high a voltage that starts an electrical fire when no one is at home to notice). Whatever the reason for the fire, human imperfections or electrical fault, you have your most expensive asset (your building) covered or protected when you take a home insurance policy. The loss of a major asset, like a house, can leave a big hole in anyone's heart . . . a hole too big to fill. In fact, the emotion turmoil associated with such a loss can eventually result in premature death of a bread winner. Thereby compounding the loss even further. My advice? Protect your most valued asset, your house, and its contents with a token by taking a home fire insurance policy. The Insurance PremiumHow much is the insurance premium any way? The premium for the building alone is 0.25 percent of the insured sum while the premium for contents alone is o.75 percent of the insured sum. If you decide to take home insurance policy for both the building and its contents, you pay a mere 1 percent of the insured sum as premium. That is pretty cheap, isn't it? What this means is this . . . If you take an insurance policy to protect your building and the insured sum is 10 million Naira, you will pay as low as 25,000 Naira per year as premium. WoW! That is super cheap! Want to protect your home? Start right away. Fill the form below to take an insurance policy for your building, the contents of your building alone, or your building and its contents It's the right thing to do. It's the smart thing to do. Protect what you have!
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