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Mobile Home Transport Lagos Nigeria - The Mobile And Portable Cabin Transport Guide
What happens when you have to move the mobile house from its current location? Simple. Get a mobile home transport company. The same thing applies when you need to transport portable buildings or portakabins. As mentioned in the introduction to mobile homes, the key difference between mobile houses and portable cabins is the fact that mobile homes have chassis and wheels while portakabins or portable cabins do not. This means that mobile home transport is somewhat easier and cost effective than portakabin transport. How so? Well, to relocate mobile homes all you need do is . . . However, in the case of a portakabin or portable cabins, they are not built on chassis that have wheels. Therefore, you must provide a trailer that have a long backside (or chassis and tires attached) to transport a portakabin. Mobile Homes Transport OptionsRemember . . . Mobile homes already have their own chassis and wheels. This unique characteristics of mobile homes presents some unique benefits when it comes to mobile home transport. What are these special opportunities? What options are available for mobile homes transport? Here's is it. The fact that the mobile home already have chassis and wheels means that the home owner only needs a truck head that carries the truck engine. This means that . . . 1. A mobile home does not need a trailer to relocate it 2. A mobile home can be moved with something as simple as a towing van and 3. A mobile home can be moved by a bus If you understand how transport costs are in Nigeria, you will realize that it's cheaper to rent a towing van than to rent a trailer for the same distance covered. It's also cheaper to rent a half trailer (or a 911 truck) than a to rent a full length 40ft trailer. On the other hand, portable cabins up to 20ft will be transported by 'half trailer'. When the protakabin is up to 30-40ft, it must be transported by a full-length trailer. This means a higher transportation cost. Another thing. Since portable buildings or portakabins don't have wheels and chassis, you cannot move then using a towing vehicle or just a truck-head without the back attachment. Bottom line. Mobile home transport is cheaper than portakabin transport or even shipping container transport. P.S: Want a mobile home, portable cabins, or portakabins? Simply request a quote. We deliver to all locations in Nigeria. Related Content: Apartment Guide ::: Apartments For Rent Buying A House ::: How To Build A House How To Sell Your House ::: Bank Owned Properties Investing For Income ::: Investing For Retirement
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