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Modular Homes Lagos Nigeria - Free Modular Home Guide. Dealer Advice.
Modular homes guide Lagos Nigeria - Would you like to see your house supplied to you in small units and then assembled right before your very eyes like some piece of furniture? Well, that is what you get when you order modular homes. Modular buildings are buildings that are manufactured by a modular building construction company in its manufacturing plant and the delivered to the customer site for assembly. Why the term modular? It's because the house is fabricated in modules and then assembled together to create the building. A fundamental difference between modular homes and portable cabins is that modular buildings are bolted onto a pre-constructed concrete foundation while portable cabins are assembled on a steel base. Another difference between portable cabins (or portakabins) and modular buildings is that portable cabins are often transported as completed buildings on a trailer or half-trailer (depending on the length) while a modular house is often transported as component modules on a motorized flat bed. In Lagos Nigeria real estate terminology, modular houses are frequently referred to as Villa Cabins. Modular Buildings Selling Point - Key BenefitsWhat are the key benefits of buying a modular building? The first obvious benefit of modular apartments is the speed of delivery. All things being equal, you can get your modular home ready for use within six (6) weeks from when your payment is confirmed. That is, three weeks for construction and three weeks for installation. No site built block building can compare with modular houses when in it comes to speed of delivery. Second, modular houses are beautiful. And that is a major attraction. At one time or the order you have entered a building and said to yourself, "this building is beautiful except for the quality of the paint". Yeah, I know that feeling. Here's the good news. You won't get that kind of finish with modular apartments built and scientifically finished by experts in the industry. A third reason to choose modular buildings is because they come at a good price. And they are just as durable as regular buildings. Since price is a major issue for many, perhaps it's time to invest good money in buying modular apartments. Here's one more thing to remember. Modular apartments rise in value over time just like block-built houses. (That is, houses built on site with regular block and sand). So, you can be absolutely sure that capital gains on the value of your property is secure as long as the property market in the country is not distressed. My advice? Take a second look at modular houses, evaluate the benefits and give it a shot. Remember that the modular building construction technology is not a new technology. It's a modern building method that have been perfected over the last century. And with computer aided design fully integrated into the fabric of our society, we're getting even sharpen designs. Invest in modular houses. It's a home you will enjoy. Want to buy modular buildings? Simply fill the form below to request a quote.
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